We Made It!


It's All About the Ocean

It's our first full day in St. Croix! We arrived late last night and are staying in a rental house until closing.  It's a 60's single level four bedroom (which is more than we need so we've moved into 1/2), there is a pool which is a nice bonus for the boys.  We hope to close on Monday, not forgetting that we are however 'on island time'.

Today we  are spending the day at Shoy's Beach, one of our favorites.  It's a little bay with crystal blue water, clean sands, and lots of coral and fish, excellent for snorkeling which Rob and the boys have been doing for hours, taking breaks to work on cracking coconuts!  Christian assured me it was possible without a machete and he proved himself!  Being on the beach reminds us what it's all about and things start to finally settle down.

Double the Fun

Yesterday's travels were long and arduous.  Nathaniel and I started a 5am, drove to Roanoke, VA and took one of the first flights to Charlotte, NC.  Charlotte's airport has grown substantially by the way, I think it was a two mile walk to our gate! From Charlotte we took a 3 1/2 hour flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico where we met up with Rob, Christian and the pups. 

Rob and Christian left at 2:45am on Tuesday and drove down to Miami in order to ship the car, 12 small boxes of home goods, 2 paddle boards, and 2 surf boards over to St. Croix via VI Cargo.  Our two Chihuahua's made the trip with them.  They were so excited when they realized it was Nathaniel and I in San Juan! 


We arrived around 6:45 in the Christiansted airport and promptly loaded all of our luggage into a large white van driven by a female driver and her 3 children.  They looked to be about 10, 7. and 2.  The 2 year old had a lot to say and the older ones were curious to know the names of the boys.  We took a brief ride to a dark parking lot off to the left of the road outside the airport.  I assumed they did not want to pay the parking fees associated with the airport.  We said our goodbyes, unloaded, and reloaded the luggage, kids, and pups.  By this time I am well past exhaustion and hungry.

Ostentatious Jeep

We rented a neon green four door Jeep Wrangler.  It is very ostentatious, everyone stares, and some people comment of the color.  Rob has an affinity for Jeeps and he loves the green, I like to be a bit more inconspicuous.  After dinner, a less fortunate man came up to the window and wanted a dollar.  Poor little Nathaniel was a little freaked out.  We took the opportunity to discuss poverty and how the character of a person and their financial status were not necessarily intertwined.  Never the less, he needed the comfort of sleeping with his mommy.  I hope that he'll feel secure before long and able to sleep on his own. 

At long last we made it back home and had a great nights sleep and will be ready for a new adventure tomorrow!


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