Yoga and Creativity...

Yoga last

I finally took the opportunity to go to a local yoga class and it kicked my butt! I've practiced on my own since we arrived on the island so it was so nice to be in a group.  The class was more Ashtanga style so needless to say my shoulders and arms hurt for a few days intensely! It was challenging, I realized how much I like taking class with different instructors and it's good for me to get a push at times.  It's definitely something I'm going to continue when I get back to Virginia.

When I had my studios in Va. I taught so often that my private practice consisted of gentle movements and poses keeping my muscles warm enough not to hurt so durn bad.  I'm really looking forward to getting out more into the yoga community!

Absinthe, the Writer's Drink

I had a shot of Absinthe the other night.  Rob and I went to pick up a pizza and while we waited decided to have a drink to pass the time.  It was like a mini-date!  There was only the man tending the bar and one patron, so we had the place to ourselves.  We were discussing sea glass and discovering what bottles the glass could of come from when we noticed this beautiful sea foam colored liquid in a cool bottle.  The label described it as a infused vodka with wormwood and other herbs that was used by artists for ages and helped to stir the creative process.  Green Moon had me at "hello".

The shot was a little rough and very licorice flavored.  I discovered through a series of events and my own research after that it is referred to as "The Green Fairy" and was not meant to be taken as a shot but prepared in various ways.  The most traditional being 1 part Absinthe, 3-5 parts water that is to be poured over a soaked sugar cube placed on a perforated spoon.  Even more traditionally the sugar would be soaked in Absinthe and set on fire!

On their website there is one other mix that I will try on my next opportunity, 1 part Absinthe, 2 parts pineapple juice, shaved ice, garnish with fruit.  I might fill with club soda and do less ice, but that's just my thing.

Next Up...

The boys are off for their Wilderness Survival Training session today.  I opted out in favor of spending time at the house, writing, reading, and silence.  I'm sure there will be a story there later.  :)


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