We Will Survive...and Flourish!
House Projects Rob has worked hard the past few days on his "honey-do-list" and it's coming along. He loves to paint and has put oil on our teak furniture that came with the house. The porch will be b.e.a.utiful after they dry, he also power washed the porch yesterday; there is a lot of mildew because of the constant humidity. It's so nice and clean that I wondered why we didn't do this the first week. I'm not sure if it is true of all men, but mine feels that a trip to the hardware store is necessary before any task. This is not the most productive idea seeing that the nearest one is a 20 minute drive and Home Depot is nearly 45 minutes! I talked him out of it...and that is how the porch got finished. He has however made 2 trips in the painting of oil on the outdoor furniture. Hey, I can't control everything! Survivalist Training Rob took the boys to Mount Victory Camp and participated in their Wilderness Skills Worksho...