
Showing posts from February, 2013

We Will Survive...and Flourish!

House Projects Rob has worked hard the past few days on his "honey-do-list" and it's coming along.  He loves to paint and has put oil on our teak furniture that came with the house.  The porch will be b.e.a.utiful after they dry, he also power washed the porch yesterday; there is a lot of mildew because of the constant humidity.  It's so nice and clean that I wondered why we didn't do this the first week.   I'm not sure if it is true of all men, but mine feels that a trip to the hardware store is necessary before any task.  This is not the most productive idea seeing that the nearest one is a 20 minute drive and Home Depot is nearly 45 minutes! I talked him out of it...and that is how the porch got finished.  He has however made 2 trips in the painting of oil on the outdoor furniture.  Hey, I can't control everything!  Survivalist Training Rob took the boys to Mount Victory Camp and participated in their Wilderness Skills Worksho...

Yoga and Creativity...

Yoga last I finally took the opportunity to go to a local yoga class and it kicked my butt! I've practiced on my own since we arrived on the island so it was so nice to be in a group.  The class was more Ashtanga style so needless to say my shoulders and arms hurt for a few days intensely! It was challenging, I realized how much I like taking class with different instructors and it's good for me to get a push at times.  It's definitely something I'm going to continue when I get back to Virginia. When I had my studios in Va. I taught so often that my private practice consisted of gentle movements and poses keeping my muscles warm enough not to hurt so durn bad.  I'm really looking forward to getting out more into the yoga community! Absinthe, the Writer's Drink I had a shot of Absinthe the other night.  Rob and I went to pick up a pizza and while we waited decided to have a drink to pass the time.  It was like a mini-date!  There was only...

Out to Sea: *read the prior blog Sailing to Buck Island FIRST*

Tried to put up a video, but not sure if it works... Onward and Outward As we soon realize, a lot of the boats will motor over to the island, this makes for a lot of scenic pictures of the island and keeps the vessel in calm predictable seas.  In order to catch the wind however, you must go out farther to find it.  And this is exactly what we had to do! Feel the Wind  Rob and I are still excited at this point.  We have planned to sail to the neighboring island of St. Thomas for an overnight trip and now this is the direction we are headed so we know we will get an even better idea of how it will be.  Our enthusiasm, or should I say, my and Nathaniel's enthusiasm begins to dwindle as the swells get bigger and bigger the further out we go.  If I had to estimate, I would say they began at 5 feet and ended up at times 10 feet swells! I found it difficult to do justice through a camera lens, but if you look at the pictures below you can definit...

Sailing to Buck Island

Our Adventure Continues... We set sail for Buck Island around 10 o'clock in the morning.  The past two days there has not been a cloud in the sky, but today, as luck would have it, the clouds have moved in.  There is a slight chill and I'm starting to wish I'd brought a jacket.  We decided to take a sail boat vs. a motor boat for a more authentic experience and that's just what we got! Sailing is considered adventurous by some and rightfully so, there is nothing about sailing that is expected except for the fact that you never know what to expect.  With that being said, you can prepare yourself to the best of your ability and the best of technology.  The sea, however, is much like a free spirited woman, she cannot be controlled nor do you know what she will do next. We were making small talk on the boat about sailing, I shared one of our stories;  Rob and I have sailed once before from St. Lucia to Martinique.  We had a wonderful time. ...

Finding Our Groove

It's been a while since I last posted. We are continuing on with our adventure and an adventure everyday is! Let's see, Rob's mother Ann has come and gone.  She stayed with us for two weeks and we all had a relaxing time.  Ironically, Rob had to return to the states because one of our properties there was burglarized.  While he was home, there was a snow storm and he worked all night, I think he realized how hard he has worked all these years to enable us the opportunity to live out this dream of spending the winter months in beautiful St. Croix. We took Nana Ann to a few key places during her stay and worked on her bucket list; we visited the Cruzan Gardens and walked through all the pretty tropical flowers and palms, we did a self-guided tour of the Christiansted Fort, drove out to Point Udall, went to the Annual Hibiscus Show at the University and of course spent lots of beach time together.  She thoroughly enjoyed the mother-in-law suite which she territorial...