Feel the Love

The Auction I mentioned in the last post that we attended the auction at the Yacht Club, it was a big success. I'm not sure what the total amount raised was but I'm sure it was a few thousand dollars. Rob and I got into the bidding action and ended up winning a peal and Swarvoski crystal necklace made by a local woman. It was kind of ironic seeing how I just visiting the Swarvoski store when I was in Charlotte. The overall night was a lot of fun, we got to get our adult time in and visit with our new found friends and the boys got a chance to play with their new found friends too. My pretty necklace my love won for me at the auction Sailing I'm so excited that the boys are sailors! Christian and Nathaniel are enjoying their lessons. Where Nathaniel was a little slow to start, Christian picked it up quickly and has a lot of potential to excel. I think as in all things, they are complete opposites; Nathaniel would like to feel the bree...