
Showing posts from 2014

Transitioning the Universal Wave of Manifestation

It's been a little bit since I published anything so lets recap and catch up. ;) Transitioning Can Be Fun or Hard to Do   Transitioning is a constant in my life.   Either I am idling, which is usually only a brief moment or I am moving towards a particular goal.   Once the goal is achieved there is a feeling of accomplishment, I delight in the satisfaction that achievement brings…for a while, thus the short bit of idleness.   Then something happens and the excitement begins to stir within for something new.    Most of us have this pulling; maybe it is a degree or certification, a trip, a move, a new job, a new look, a new home, a puppy, or even a new love.   I believe this is part of the human condition.   So how do we find contentment in an ordinary life or is there only happiness in a life less ordinary? In my experience, I find contentment in both, I consider myself a creature of habit and comfort, a typical Taurus trait.   I l...