The Divine Pendulum

There is a eclectic little book store here on St. Croix called The Love and Light Books & Inspirations.  I always make it a point to stop in when I am on the island.  The last time I visited I stocked up on reiki charged candles that besides smelling great hopefully help create a positive vibe.  I also got some oil and a book called The Great Pendulum by Petra Sonnenberg.

The book teaches how to use pendulums, how to pick the right one for you, along with how to use it properly, and how to discern answers with a "individual code".  For example when it swings left to right it may represent NO to you or it may represent YES.   The book is full of a variety of circle pie charts that have preset questions and each section represents an answer, making it really easy and informative.

Many of us don't experiment with pendulums maybe because somewhere our religious upbringing instituted an association with things we can't explain with witchcraft or evil, especially something that can provide unseemingly intuitive answers. We wonder, how could a small stone on a chain possible be accurate about what I need to eat today, colors I need to incorporate into my home, health problems I may have, or relationship issues I need to deal with!

So What are Pendulums?

A pendulum is a weight in the form of a stone, crystal, or metal suspended by some form of chain that produces a swinging motion.

Pendulums were actually discovered by Galileo Galilei and were used to tell time and conduct geophysical surveys.  They are used in religious ceremonies i.e. Catholic incense, and also in Mexico to symbolize the changing of tides. They are used for other scientific methods such as dowsing; searching for water, oil, and other natural resources.

It's only when we get into using this ancient tool for divination that things get hazy and we struggle to understand.

Using the Pendulum Divinely

Divination is having intuitive insight which usually comes through the practice of some art or tool.  According to Wikipedia,  Divination comes from the Latin word divinare which means "to foresee or be inspired by a god".

In my spiritual studies I've learned that the little is a part of the big G.  So when I use the pendulum I think of it as the practice of the God within me connecting to the Godhead, to explain it best.  Scientifically, I believe that there is a connection that channels down from the Divine to the smallest nerve endings in my fingers and therefore produces a result of motion with the pendulum in the direction that corresponds to the question and answer before me channelling through my eyes, brain, and spirit to the Divine.

In early French times the pendulum was used to read auras and still even today.  You can check your chakras, ask questions, and more.  Whatever it is, the practice needs to begin in a clean quiet space and with a meditational mindset to work best.  I like to be in my bedroom alone, light an incense, and say a prayer something like this:

"My heavenly father, mother, and guides, angelic and ancestral,  please guide me in the use of this pendulum to help me find the answers that I seek.  Please only guide me by your will and allow me to realize the things that will help me to better follow the divine will that has been bestowed upon me.  In Jesus' name.  Amen."

What I Learned

One day a while back I was in a little bit of funk and needed answers as to why I was feeling off.  I had just bought the book and decided to give it try.  That particular day the pendulum chart suggested working on bitterness.  "Oh great!" I thought. But, I wouldn't of ever equated my mood that day with bitter.  As I pondered on the relevance of how bitterness could be an issue I began to realize that there was in fact a tinge of bitterness in my heart.  

Bitterness is harsh, it has a stinging sensation that accompanies, it can be the cause or result of grief, anguish, and disappointment.  It is most notably associated with cynicism and resentment.  I recognized immediately that I can be harsh, even cynical at times.  But where was this coming from? I have grieved and had my share of disappointment for sure.  

The bitterness in my heart developed from being hurt by someone(s) in the past.  Sometimes these acts are intentional and many times they are not.  Maybe there is not one particular incident because the world can be a cruel place just as well as its people.  There are plenty of occasions that I held a grudge for and persons I held a grudge with.

As I meditated, allowing my soul to merge deep within my heart, connecting to my Divine source for the answer it was given to me; FORGIVENESS!

You see, by me holding on to bitterness it was enabling me to live my life as a victim.  Injustice occurred at my expense too many times and the time had come to let it all go and the means to let it all go was FORGIVENESS.

I began an exercise of calling forth each person that came to mind and releasing them, forgiving them, letting go of their energy or the energy of the issue that was still residing within my heart.  There is a wonderful tool for this that was taught to me years ago and I will share that at another time.  By the end of my practice my heart felt so light, it was full of God's love, peace, and harmony.  I knew because of what I've learned in the past that this practice also freed those who may of caused my discomfort.

By using this ancient tool in a divine manor I empowered my growth and resolve to live freely in my heart.  You never know by what means you will thrive so be open to new experiences and channels but always proceed with divine guidance.



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